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A Viewer for Windows version 1.1 has been released

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:33 am
by RobLatour
A Viewer for Windows version 1 has now been released,

included in this new version:

- a new viewer feature (showing original and changed image windows)

- integration with Microsoft's Snipping and Magnify tools

- an automatic check for updates

- to reset to the original image the Reset control must now be held down for one second (helps prevent accidental clicking on it)

- when opening up the viewer, the toolbar will be shown with or without words as it was shown the last time the window was closed

- mouse down on a control x1 speed, with shift down x2 speed, with ctrl down x5 speed, with shift and ctrl down x10 speed

- the viewer window sizing and location have been optimized for the screen and image sizes

- the open window will now always be on top, or not, following the lead of how the viewer window has been set in this regard

- other minor issues and bug fixes