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'auto lock PC when android phone disconnected from wifi' (IFTTT)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 12:39 pm
Does it work if we do a manual test by turning off the wifi on the smartphone?
will this lock the computer?

I tried but it doesn't seem to be working.
I also want to know about capital letters usage in Push2Run. Is it possible to use CAPS letters?



not sure, if the root cause is on the IFTTT side or local Push2Run script
will you help me troubleshoot the root cause of the problem?

Re: 'auto lock PC when android phone disconnected from wifi' (IFTTT)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 2:46 pm
by RobLatour

First, can you please confirm that you have dropbox installed and running on your Windows PC.

Next, I notice you have IFTTT set up to send:

Disconnected from SSID

but you have Push2Run listening for:

disconnected from my 5.0 ghz

I'm not sure what your SSID is, but you should have Push2Run listening for:

disconnected from whatever-your-SSID-is

as the SSID is not going to be "my 5.0 ghz" (as SSIDs don't contain spaces).

You might want to check your Push2Run session log to see what IFTTT is sending.

Another way to approach it is to have Push2Run listen for:

disconnected from *

Regarding the case, you can send upper or lower case if you want, but Push2Run ignores the case when deciding what to do.

Re: 'auto lock PC when android phone disconnected from wifi' (IFTTT)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 8:04 pm
Yes, I do have DropBox installed and running on my windows machine. It also starts when windows startup.

After going through the session log,
It says : The first line should identify the computer(s) for the command to run on..

this is when I knew that I made a mistake by not including "Push2Run_ComputerName"<BR>

so, after adding that single line above, I also changed the "Listen for" to just use disconnected from *


It is working now..


so, every time I leave the house, the computer will auto lock itself after my smartphone gets disconnected my home wifi . 😀🙂

Also to note. I'm using an Asus RT-AX82u router and it does allows for SPACE when naming SSID.. but hey, it's working now.
I think it is all because of the missing "Push2Run_ComputerName"<BR> 😅

Thank you sir.

Re: 'auto lock PC when android phone disconnected from wifi' (IFTTT)

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 9:45 pm
by RobLatour
Glad it working for you, and sorry I should have caught that too.

Enjoy the program!