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Calculate - an example of how to send keystrokes to a program that Push2Run opens

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:23 pm
by RobLatour
*** attachment calculate.vbs last updated March 12, 2018 ***

The following is an example of how to send keystrokes to a program that Push2Run opens - in this case, the Window's calculator.

This will allow you to use Push2Run to launch a program and send keystrokes to it. For example, using this you will be able to say:

Ok Google tell my computer to calculate 5 + 3

Of course, Google Home can already give you this answer without the needing your computer, this is just an example of how to send keystrokes to a program.

There are two attachments to this post, the first is the Push2Run card, and the second is a .vbs script

To install the Push2Run card just download it and double-click it.

To install the .vbs script, just download it and copy it to someplace on your hard drive. The Push2Run card will look for it in a directory "C:\my scripts" but it doesn't have to be there. Just copy it to where you like and update the Push2Run card that you added into Push2Run to reference the directory that you chose.