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psuh2run runs runnables with top most enabled

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:07 am
by oSumAtrIX
I don't know why, but any program I run with Push2Run automaticly has top most enabled. I don't have it enabled in the settings nor didn't it get fixed with a fresh installation.<br/>
Any guess why this happens?

Re: psuh2run runs runnables with top most enabled

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:39 pm
by RobLatour
Thanks for reporting this.

I've made a small change to v2.0.1 just now released which may help.

I wasn't able to recreate the issue, so if the upgrade doesn't work I'd like to ask for some additional information - but perhaps if you give the upgrade a try first we'll see if the change I made helped.

In any case, I'd appreciate your feedback either way.