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Re: Any support for ingredients?

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 6:38 am
by RobLatour
Thanks - I will take a look

Re: Any support for ingredients?

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:16 am
by RobLatour
I did some extensive testing today, and Push2Run does not have a bug in it, it is working as expected.

For example, if you use the $[-] in Push2Run, and say something where the variable data contains "one two three' what will get passed over to the batch file is "one-two-three".

You can use the following batch file code to confirm that:
echo %1

The output will be "one-two-three"

Having that said, something that I learned today, is if you use the $[,] in Push2Run, and say something where the variable data contains something like "one two three' what will get passed over to the batch file is "one,two,three". However, the batch file will process the commas as field separators and what you will see out of the same batch file as above is only the "one"

If you give it a try you will see what I mean: the output will be "one"

However, if you change your batch file as follows:

echo %*

and rerun the above two tests, you will see the outputs as:



According, to solve your problem, you might just need to use %* in your batch file as opposed to %1 or %1 %2 %3 etc..

Hope this helps.

Re: Any support for ingredients?

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:12 am
by StefanoGiugliano
This is solving my issue... very helpful, thanks!