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Re: none of my devices are found

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:53 am
by caloizou
Well, this is odd.

Before I even had a chance to watch the video, I tried again to cast to my mini and it worked. I then tried using the cast -inventory command in the shell and it recognised my Google Home Mini. So I tried to send some text and it didn't work. For some reason, sometimes it doesn't recognise the Mini, but sometimes it does:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\Cast>cast -inventory


Device                         Type                      IP address           Volume   Mute
Christian's Bedroom            Google Home Mini         50%      Unmuted
CLOIZOUHP-OMEN                 PC speakers              100%     Unmuted

Windows voice                  Culture                   Gender               Age
Microsoft Hazel Desktop        English (United Kingdom)  Female               Adult
Microsoft Zira Desktop         English (United States)   Female               Adult

C:\Program Files\Cast>
C:\Program Files\Cast>
C:\Program Files\Cast>cast -inventory


Device                         Type                      IP address           Volume   Mute
CLOIZOUHP-OMEN                 PC speakers              100%     Unmuted

Windows voice                  Culture                   Gender               Age
Microsoft Hazel Desktop        English (United Kingdom)  Female               Adult
Microsoft Zira Desktop         English (United States)   Female               Adult

C:\Program Files\Cast>
I ran these two commands within 10 seconds of each other. As you can see when I ran it the first time it found the Mini, but the second time it didn't. Any idea why? I've tried the video and although I can now reliably cast from Chrome, it's not seemed to effect the cast command.

Thanks for your help

NOTE: I've found that using the IP rather than the device name works, but I'm not sure if it is reliable or if it will break in ten minutes.

Re: none of my devices are found

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:04 pm
by RobLatour
no idea why

However, I do know why the IP address should be more reliable. In short, when you use the device name the program must then go and find the IP address - which is more work and potentially open to issues if your network is being finicky.

So as long as you have static IP addresses for your devices (something that you can set up in most routers) going with the IP address is better.

Re: none of my devices are found

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:37 pm
by caloizou
Right, that makes sense.

Well, the IP seems to be working just fine so far. I've been using it all day and no problems thus far.
Thanks for your help!