Push2Run updated for new Pushover server responses

Here you are welcome to report any Push2Run bugs you may have encountered

if you know of a workaround, it would be great if you would mention that too
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Push2Run updated for new Pushover server responses

Post by RobLatour »

Before you report a bug with Push2Run using Pushover, please note that Pushover has recently updated their server response codes, causing versions 3.0 and early of Push2Run to no longer work.

I am not exactly sure when that change was made, no one reported it to me, but I did notice it myself tonight (March 20th).

It was an easy fix, which has now been applied, tested, and released as a new version on the website (version 3.0.1).

So if you're using an earlier version of Push2Run with Pushover and it has stopped working for you, that is likely why.

To resolve, just download and install the latest version of Push2Run.

Hope this helps, Rob