Google Speaker Group

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Google Speaker Group

Post by Dunkelzhan »

Hello -

I have 3 Google Home Minis (Computer Room speaker, Master Bedroom speaker, Living Room Speaker). In the Cast inventory screen, all but one is listed (Computer Room speaker). Additionally, the inventory screen lists my speaker group (Dunk Group), setup in the Google Home / Google Assistant app - this speaker group consists of all 3 Google Home Minis.

The missing Computer Room speaker is assigned a reserved IP of via my router. However, in the inventory screen, this is the IP address displayed for the speaker group. Casting messages to the just the speaker group (cast -device "Dunk Group" -text "This is a test") results in ONLY the Computer Room speaker reading the message. Casting to the other two speakers and the speaker group is the only way to actually have all 3 speakers play (cast -device "Living Room Speaker" "Master Bedroom speaker" "Dunk Group" -text "This is a test").

I've tried removing and rebuilding the speaker group in the Google Home app - oddly, when I first ran cast -inventory afterwords, the inventory ONLY returned my speaker group. When I ran it a second time, the inventory then again showed 2 speakers and the 1 speaker group, with the Computer Room speaker again missing.

Any ideas? Are speaker groups incompatible with Cast? I'm not sure how it's getting the Computer Room speaker IP as the "IP" of the group, as there is nothing in the router reserved or DHCP assigning an IP to the group itself.

Thank you for all your work on this!
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Re: Google Speaker Group

Post by RobLatour »

My guess is that speaker groups are incompatible with cast.

Cast uses a third party component called sharpcast, which pre-dates speaker groups.

You can find more about sharpcast by typing:
cast -about

or by visiting

I just checked and sharpcast hasn't been updated in 14 months.

Accordingly, I have just opened an issue on this with the author - Jeremy Pepiot.

- if it gets fixed Jeremy will be the hero (not me)!
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Re: Google Speaker Group

Post by Dunkelzhan »

Thank you for the follow up!
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