Push2run and sandoboxie plus

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Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by Lazysmurf »

I don't know if it's just my issue..but when i run push2run, browser on sandbox crash when i tried to close a tab.
I don't know on what kind of way this software interfere with sandboxie, but that happens only when i try to use push2run.
the moment i close it..everything works normally, no more crash whatsoever
Any idea why?
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by RobLatour »

Thanks for letting me know.

I'm not sure if I've ever used Sandboxie before (perhaps something like it many years ago?), but I just tried it with Microsoft's Windows Sandbox:

It looks like when Windows Sandbox first runs it has UAC turned off.

Turning off UAC causes problems for Push2Run, the program expects UAC to be turned on to its default level - this is something I should look at but normally I just suggest to people that they turn the UAC on to its default level (or better) as it is potentially unsafe to run without it on a regular Windows machine anyway. Here is Microsoft's recommendation:
Recommended if you often install new software or visit unfamiliar websites.

Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer will:

Notify you when programs try to install software or make changes to your computer.
Not notify you when you make changes to Windows settings.
Freeze other tasks until you respond.
ref: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windo ... trol-works

Can you look at your UAC setting in Sandboxie and let me know if it is at the default level or turned off?

To see your current setting, just enter
in the Windows search bar (usually found at the bottom of your screen on the left side or in the centre).
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by Lazysmurf »

Thank you for the reply.
I didn't turn uac off on my system.
On the sandbox..i tried but sandboxie doesn't even let me open the setting..for security reason i suppose.
I tried to change settings of the sandbox..or run browser in a new sandbox with default settings..but it always make browser crashing whenever i keep push2run open
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by RobLatour »

Thanks for getting back so quickly.

I can think of no reason that Push2Run would be impacting your browser's use of tabs.

Also, have you reported this to the folks supporting Sandboxie? I took a look at their 360 open issues here: https://github.com/sandboxie-plus/Sandboxie/issues but didn't immediately see something that matches the problem you have reported.

Also, I don't fully understand their chart at: https://sandboxie-plus.com/feature-comparison/
For clarity, which version of sandboxie are you using?

The reason I ask, is that Push2Run is a Windows .net WPF application and some versions of Sandboxie (maybe classic, again I don't really understand the chart at the link above) don't appear to work with WPF apps.

In any case, and to your original post, if it is of any help ... the problem you are having with Sandboxie and browser tabs hasn't been reported by anyone else using normal versions of Windows, nor have I had any such issues myself.

Regardless, since your post this morning, I have started working on coding changes for running Push2Run in the Windows Sandbox as I would image
it, rather than Sandboxie, will be the common first stop for people testing in a Sandbox. Coding changes are needed for Push2Run as Windows Sandbox has some quirks (like UAC is turned off by default, and it appears that apps can run with admin privileges only) which I am working to see if I can tweak to accomadate.
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by Lazysmurf »

I don't mean to cause you trouble or complications.
I just wanted to know if there is a way to make both software running at same time on my system.


That is the version of the software I use.
Might try same on another pc with windows 10 to see if the issue is just on this machine or also general.
The point is i run push2 run outside the box..so i doubt the fact sandboxie either support ot not the wpf apps. In fact inside the sandbox the software runs perfectly and doesn't cause any problem. But if i do that i can't send command outside the sandbox to, for example, set the pc to hibernation.

I will try to do some tests...and try on different machines with different settings...just to be sure it's just about this environment.

It really drives me mad cause i can't understand how a software can mess up with another just when it runs inside a sandobox..which mean it should be isolated. sorta of..

P.S. Tried to run it on Windows 10, with same sandboxie settings and it looks like there is no issue.
Will try to make some other tests on windows 11..
Last edited by Lazysmurf on Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by RobLatour »

There's no trouble, if there is something I can help with here I will.

I installed Sandboxie from the link you provided.

Of note, they reference WPF as 'Windows Filtering Platform' while in my earlier post I was referring to WPF as Microsoft's 'Windows Presentation Framework' - two separate things.

Regardless, through the Sandboxie install process, I enabled support for WPF.

After that, I started Push2Run in Sandboxie. Of note, when starting Push2Run in Sandboxie, Sandboxie prompted me asking if I wanted to copy 'C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\ShadowPay\CaptureCore.log'. Not sure why I would have gotten that prompt as Push2Run has nothing to do with that file. In any case, I said no, and Push2Run seemed to load fine. Also, it picked up and was using my current settings and database fine.

Initially, I ran it telling Sandboxie to run with Admin privileges, but when I did and tried to open the calculator it did not work (Push2Run got the trigger but could not open the calculator).

On a second attempt, I ran it telling Sandboxie to run without Admin privileges. When I did this and tried to open the calculator Push2Run reported that it opened the Calculator, but it only stayed open for a moment in the Sandboxie UI window.

I then tried to open MS Word using Push2Run, it did start MS word however strangely Sandboxie wanted to copy my Outlook postbox someplace, which I didn't think was right at all - so I canceled that.

Regardless, with Push2Run running in Sandboxie on my Windows 11 system, I tried to open (normally) a variety of browsers to see if I could recreate the problem you are reporting with closing the tabs. I tried: Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. None had problems either opening or closing tabs with Push2Run running in Sandboxie.

I then exited Push2Run from within Sandboxie, and ran it normally under Windows with Sandboxie still running. Again I tried: Chrome, Firefox, and Edge and none had problems either opening or closing tabs with Push2Run running in Sandboxie on my system.

I have now uninstalled Sandboxie.

Please let me know in your own testing if you are having this problem on other machines.

Also, thanks again for getting me on to this whole sandbox thing. I have now made some changes, which I will test a little more, and then likely release as a general release to Push2Run so that the program can run better within Microsofts' Sandbox.
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by Lazysmurf »

I did some tests..
The solution, or workaround to be more precise, is to run a 32bit version of the browser. that way all is fine. Still strange, but since i can't get what is messing up things..i'm fine like this.
As i said, no problem running push2run inside a sandbox.. The problem for me comes up when i run it normally, with a browser inside a sandbox. The gui of the browser crashes when i try to close a tab. I thought was opera, but happens with any browser. Dunno if it happens with any other software, i mainly use sandbox for browsing.
It's really odd. I don't know if it's sandboxie problem, or windows problem, some settings on the software or on the system.
I wish i could figure it out, even just out of curiosity.
Guess i will try to do some more tests and see if i can come up with something.
For now, thank you for your time, really appreciate. ;)
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Re: Push2run and sandoboxie plus

Post by RobLatour »

Thanks for the update.

I'm glad you found a temporary work-around.

However, I'm still not sure why this would be happening; when I tested running a browser in Sandboxie with Push2Run also running I could not recreate your issue. Do you have any browser extensions also running in Sanboxie that may be involved?

In any case, I really don't have any insights into how Sanboxie works under the covers - or why there would be this conflict. Perhaps the best thing for you to do is open an issue for Sanboxie on Github (link in my post above) and if you want to reference this post/thread and let them know I would be glad to work with them to figure out what is going on.
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