Samsung SmartThings

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Samsung SmartThings

Post by Dim »

Hello, thank you very much for your software :D
I ve done 2 applets with IFTTT which work, so until there everything is fine! (I ve done a start and a shutdown applet...)
but now I would like to use SmartThing to make more applet. I know that it is not in the prerequisites...
with SmartThing I can send a notification to Pushbullet, but it doesn t go to Push2Run :cry:
Is it possible to use SmartThing with Push2Run ?
Thank you for your reply
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Re: Samsung SmartThings

Post by RobLatour »

I haven't used SmartThings before.

However, when you use it to create a PushBullet push, does the Push2Bullet push not show up in the Push2Run Session Log?

If it does, my guess is that all your going to need to do to have it work with Push2Run is have the SmartThings send the Pushbullet push with at title matching the title filter you have setup in Push2Run - Options - Pushbullet.
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Re: Samsung SmartThings

Post by Dim »

Thanks for you reply,
effectively, there s nothing on Push2Run, I have try to match Title SmartThings' notification with P2R with no success,
I think STs' Title must be different (I 've got "SmartThings: {Name Routine} - {Name House}") and when I put that in P2R, nothing happens.
and when I push a message from PushBullet with my PC I 've got <Title> Push2Run {Name PC} in P2R
and when I push a message from PB with my phone I've got <Title> blank
Is it possible to bypass Title filter?
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Re: Samsung SmartThings

Post by RobLatour »

I'll try and set myself up with SmartThings to understand more closely how it works - but it may take a few days until I can get to it.
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Re: Samsung SmartThings

Post by Dim »

thank you very much for the time you spend helping me, take your time and again thank you very much! :D
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Re: Samsung SmartThings

Post by RobLatour »

No problem, and actually I had some spare time so I was able to fiddle around a bit and got it to work - but perhaps not the way you are intending?

In any case, here is what I did and how - these aren't exact steps, rather generally what I did and generally how ...

1. Setup the SmartThings app on my android phone
2. Found out that I had to first assign devices within SmartThings, and from this I found I could assign my TPLink Kasa devices by first linking my TPLink Kasa account within SmartThings
3. Once done I could do things like turn and off my living room light from within SmartThings
4. In IFTTT I linked my SmartThings account
5. I create an IFTTT applet, if This (SmartThings) then That (Pushbullet)
6. For the This (SmartThings) I identified 'My Home' and then for devices I identified 'Living Room light'
7. For the That (PushBullet) I identified my account, for the title I used a title to match what I had set up in Push2Run - Options - PushBullet - Title Filter ... (in my case "Push2Run RobsOffice" without the double quotes), for the message I just left it at the default that IFTTT provided "'{{SwitchName}}' switched ON: {{SwitchedOnAt}}" without the double quotes.
8. In Push2Run I created a Push2Run card to Listen for "'Living room light' switched ON*" (without the double quotes); for the Open I just had Push2Run open the Calcluator

Then I manually turned on my Living room light with the light switch, and the calculator opened up on my Windows machine.

I could not however find a way to run my Androdid phone's PushBullet app direct (i.e. without the need for IFTTT) in SmartThings; SmartThings did have a list of 'Connected Apps' however my PushBullet app running on my Android phone was not one of them.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Samsung SmartThings

Post by Dim »

Thank you for your reply.
Effectively it s not what I wanted but it s good to know.
Too bad that PushBullet isn t known by SmartThings...
Thank you very much for your tip and your helping time
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