Unable to open main window

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Unable to open main window

Post by KotyJ »

I set the option to not display the main window when starting the app to cut down on Windows startup clutter. However, now I need to get to the main screen to add a new command and I cannot get to it. I tried getting to it via the system tray icon, but it doesn't show up in the tray! Now I have no way of getting to the main window.

I have checked task manager and Push2Run is definitively running and taking commands from Google Home. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it seems to have saved the settings to not open the main window on startup. How can I get the main window open?
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Re: Unable to open main window

Post by RobLatour »

Just click on the Windows start button (bottom left of your screen), scroll to the Push2Run folder, click it, click on the Push2Run icon. Please let me know if that addresses your problem.
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