Push2Run Version History

  Welcome to the Push2Run Version History page.

This page details the changes made with various versions of Push2Run.

To download the most current version please click here.

Version   Release date Update
4.8.1 2024-03-09 An option has been added to the main window to filter out cards that are off.  

Other minor updates and corrections.
4.8 2023-08-20 Corrected variable text not being correctly processed when using MQTT.
4.7 2023-06-23 Added support for multiple Pushbullet titles.

For example, the Pushbullet title filter can now be set to something like “Push2Run W11-Server , From Alexa” which will allow Push2Run to react to Pushbullet pushes with either “Push2Run W11-Server” or “From Alexa” in their Pushbullet title.  

This change has been made in support of the PC Pusher Alexa skill in development by Push2Run user ‘LazySpaniard’.

With this change Push2Run can support the use of variable phrases when using Alexa, the PC Pusher skill and Pushbullet (without the need for IFTTT).

For example, with the ‘PC Pusher’ Amazon skill enabled you can say:
    “Alexa, tell my computer to play 99 red balloons“
and have Push2Run do that for you.  

For more information, please see: http://pcpusher.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/howto/install/

Added support for {PRTSC} and {ALT}{PRTSC} in the ‘Keys to send’ Push2Run card field.

Other minor updates and corrections.
4.6 2023-02-07 Change to support running in the Windows Sandbox  

Another shot at fixing the pesky first time password prompt issue (but still not fully resolved).

Corrected could not tab from mqtt port field in options
4.5 2022-10-04 Improved MQTT Publish and Subscribe logic:

 - Great flexibility is now provided for defining MQTT topics and payloads.  
 - Empty payloads can now be published.
4.4 2022-05-25 Added support for ‘Everything’ searches. For more information please see: https://www.push2run.com/help/everything.html  

Further updated/improved processing when MQTT topics are changed in the Options window.  

Unsubscribe to all MQTT topics when Push2Run is shutdown, or the user disables MQTT processing.  

Corrected a bug with the auto update check feature continuing to work when disabled in the settings.
4.3 2022-02-06 Corrected variable text (‘$’) not being handled correctly in some cases  

Push2Run cards which are dragged and dropped to the Desktop or a file folder will now have underscores used in place of spaces in their file names  

Corrected a bug where the Systray icon was not going red when Push2Run is paused / the master switch is turned off  

Streamlined processing when MQTT topics are changed in the Options windows  

Strongly named Push2Run and Push2RunReloader to make them more tamper resistant
4.2 2022-01-30 Added support for Regex groups in the 'Open', 'Parameters' and 'Keys to send' fields

Corrected an issue with importing some .p2r cards

Corrected a problem with the Push2Run systray icon showing up with a red background when only Dropbox is used as a trigger

Other minor updates and corrections
4.1 2022-01-28 Added an automatic re-connect to the MQTT server should it become temporarily unavailable.  

Added the ability to publish a MQTT message.  

Added support for Regex expression matching on the ‘Listen for’ field of the
Push2Run card.  

Corrected an issue where the status bar showed MQTT as not connected when it was connected.
4 2022-02-26 Added MQTT triggering
3.7.1 2022-01-10 Updated to suppress duplicate network notifications as the program attempts to reconnect to a service that has gone down but may now be up again.
3.7.0 2022-01-03 Windows notifications have been added. While these are turned off by default, they can be turned on from Push2Run – Options – Notification window.

Changed the way the program processes command line requests, allowing this feature to work on some systems where before it would not.

For longer term supportability, the program has been updated to use Microsoft’s dot net framework version 4.8 
3.6.2 2021-10-28 Should Push2Run's setting file be found to be corrupt at start-up and a suitable backup is available, Push2Run will now prompt you to do an automated recovery.  Of note, Push2Run already periodically backs up your settings and database files automatically.
3.6.1 2021-06-06 Now supports ‘Listen for’ phrases of: * something $
For example, instead of:
  set my computer’s volume to $
  set my pc’s volume to $
you can now use:
  * volume to $

Other minor additional checks when saving a Push2Run card
3.6  2021-04-02  Added a feature to run more than one Push2Run card based on separating words.

For example, instead of saying:
     “OK Google, tell my computer to open the calculator”
      followed by
    “OK Google, tell my computer open word”   
You can now just say:
      “OK Google, tell my computer to open the calculator and open word”   

For a deeper explanation of this new feature you are welcome to watch the following Youtube video: https://youtu.be/mDwJ2fT8rBE

Other minor updates and corrections
3.5.3 2021-03-14 Added new Import options:

   - Automatically turn on imported cards
      (prior to this release cards were turned off when imported)

   - Confirm when importing is done

   - Update the description of imported cards to end with ‘(Imported)’

Other minor updates and corrections
3.5.2 2021-03-04 Corrected program unloading when filtering on text that does not exist
3.5.1 2021-01-31 Corrected a serious bug with undoing an action when a filter is on
3.5 2021-01-30 Improved automatic notifications of new Push2Run releases  

Added semi-automatic download and install of new releases  

Added option to skip notifications of the current release if you would rather not upgrade to it, while still allowing you to be automatically notified of the next release  

The program’s changelog (this file) is now viewable from within the program itself, no need to visit the website just to see what’s changed  

Extended undo capabilities to more actions  

Other minor updates and corrections
3.4.3 2021-01-16 Added automatic daily backups (seven generations) of the Push2Run database and settings files
Corrects initial install problem on some machines which caused the program to prompt for a database password when it should not have

Updated installer to support installing on a Raspberry Pi running Windows 10
(also Push2Run now tested and working on this platform)

Other minor updates and corrections
3.4.2 2021-01-01 Adds support for wild card expressions in the 'Listen for' field, for example:
'* calculator' can now replace, 'open the calculator', 'start the calculator', 'run the calculator', etc..

Added support for substituting Window’s environmental variables in the open, start directory, and parameters field

Other minor updates and corrections
3.4.1 2020-11-13 Corrected bug introduced in version 3.4 whereby a card with a 'Listen for' phrase ending with a $ was not being processed correctly
3.4 2020-11-11 Added functionality to optionally perform specific actions when there are no matching or enabled cards for the command you have given

Other minor updates and corrections
3.3 2020-10-23 Added a safeguard against runaway queries to Pushover
3.2 2020-10-11 Added functionality to import and export all cards to and from the database
3.1 2020-09-17 Added full support for multiple triggers
Added 'Clear' button to Session log window
3.0.3 2020-04-24 Updated to handle Dropbox synchronization issues
3.0.2 2020-03-31 Update to consider Dropbox CreatedAt time when processing requests triggered by Dropbox - this to allow Push2Run to ignore old commands issued, for example, when the PC was in sleep mode.

Of note, to take advantage of this feature, your IFTTT applet needs to be updated as described in step 14 here: https://push2run.com/setup_dropbox.html

Corrected auto lookup and edit of program name when only the program name, for example, when "chrome.exe" is entered in a Push2Run card's Open field.
3.0.1 2020-03-20 Updated to handle new Pushover server responses
3 2020-02-16 Added support for Dropbox based triggered processing
2.5.4 2020-02-09 Minor updates related to upgrading third party libraries
2.5.3 2019-12-11 Corrected program crash when using Pushbullet and the Title field is left blank on the IFTTT applet

Added a fix to ensure the status of all Push2Run cards is correctly interpreted each time a command is issued

2.5.2 2019-12-01 Corrected manual check for update
2.5.1 2019-11-24 Corrected issue with authenticating Pushover credentials
2.5 2019-11-23 Added support for Pushover
2.4 2019-09-26 Added functionality to prevent Pushbullet accounts from automatically expiring. With this change, Pushbullet accounts will only expire 31 days after Push2Run's last use.

Changed the pop-up notifying the user of a Push2Run version upgrade so that it doesn't prevent Push2Run background processing.
2.3 2019-08-22 Updated approach for managing memory, may help some with the program using high cpu after 48 hours of continuous use

2.2 2019-04-20 Added option to save session log to disk

Improved accessibility (switch on/off wording)

Fixed looping startup for Windows 7 with admin rights / uac on/off

Updated log at startup to show more info

Corrected typo in the word Admin on the add/change window  

2.1.2 2019-02-27 Use TLS 1.2 to connect to Pushbullet  

Suppress command line entries like StartAdmin on startup  

Handle switching of primary network connection (when docking / undocking)
2.1.1 2019-02-08 Can now have Push2Run send keystrokes to the currently active window by setting the Push2Run card's open field to "Active Window" (without the quotes)

Corrected allow the program to start with administrative privileges at system startup time in accordance with the startup options chosen
2.1 2019-01-23 Added sending keystrokes

Added ability to set window state of window opening

Auto heal startup code – ensure master record is at the top of the main window

Ensure message box windows appear on top
Corrected problem if clicked 'x' on the new password window
2.0.5 2018-09-03 corrected issue with an action potentially running a second time after PC awakes from sleep

retain setting for session log auto-scroll feature
2.0.4 2018-07-01 corrected application checking for update when the option to check for update is unchecked
2.0.3 2018-05-20 added ability to edit a filtered Push2Run card back in
2.0.2 2018-05-20 a variety of menu actions, such as: add, delete, edit, undo, ... are now disabled when the filter is on - this prevents an issue with undo clearing the database.

when saving a Push2Run card to disk, the characters '/' and '\' are now substituted with the '-' character in the filename.  This resolves an issue where the Push2Run card could not be saved to disk if its filename contained one or more '/' or '\' characters.

2.0.1 2018-05-11  fixed run from menu command when there is a variable ($) in the Push2Run card's parameter field
2 2018-05-10 added a filter feature on the Main window, this to help you find the Push2Run card you want much faster - especially if you have a large collection of Push2Run cards

added 'copy to clipboard' button to Session Log Window

improved confirming program locations for special programs
1.9 2018-04-10 corrected lag with program response when Pushbullet Access Token is not yet entered
1.8 2018-03-10 save main window columns widths

fixed loading of a card when it is opened from the desktop

save cards with a file extension of .p2r rather than .P2R
1.7 2018-03-03 added a link to the Community Support Forum on the About/Help window

fixed some drag and drop issues

1.6 2018-02-18 added drag and drop support from the Main window for Push2Run cards, allowing Push2Run entries to be saved and shared

when manually running a Push2Run card which includes a '$' (variable text placeholder)  the program will now prompt for text you would like to use as your variable text

when removing the password requirement, the program will first require that the current password is entered

restore Pushbullet connection if the network or Pushbullet connection is lost and later restored

1.5 2018-02-10 the words entered in the 'Listen for' field are now automatically converted to lower case

in the 'Open' and 'Parameters' fields the blanks between spoken words can now be automatically removed or replaced by something else (for example a comma)

1.4 2018-02-04 corrected install and uninstall behaviors

stopped the session log from automatically closing when dragging and dropping information between windows

no longer log issues when trying to make the newly launched program the top most window

1.3 2018-01-30 re-establish Pushbullet connection following a PC hibernation event

1.2 2018-01-26 corrected communications with Pushbullet where a decimal is needed in place of a comma for some languages (for example Swedish and Serbian)

1.1 2018-01-24 added support for variable spoken command endings, such as OK Google tell my computer to search for $ (with the $ being the variable command ending)

updates to reduce start-up prompt for password issue

1 2018-01-20 initial release

Click here to download Push2Run

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  info@push2run.com   Copyright © 2018 - 2024 Rob Latour.
All Rights Reserved.
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  MyArp   Reporting for Rackspace   S-Controller   SetVol   UDPRun