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Send variables to parameters

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:23 am
by cloudpg
Buenas tardes, de primeras agradecer este gran programa ya que funciona genial. Mi consulta es la siguiente: ¿Es posible mandar variables desde google home?,
por ejemplo: "ok google, reproduce en youtube linkin park"
En el programa quedaria asi:

El programa mozilla se iniciaria y te muestraria el resultado de %var% que en este caso es linkin park en youtube.
Good afternoon, first thank this great program because it works great. My query is as follows: Is it possible to send variables from google home ?,
for example: "ok google, play on youtube linkin park"
In the program it would be like this:

The mozilla program would start and show you the result of %var% which in this case is linkin park on youtube.

I put it in Spanish since my English is not very good.

Re: Send variables to parameters

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:01 pm
by RobLatour
Yes, you can do this - please take a look at the first and fourth examples at this link:


Sí, puede hacer esto. Por favor, mire los ejemplos primero y cuarto en este enlace:
[url][/ url]

( translated using Google Translate - traducido usando Google Translate )

Re: Send variables to parameters

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:46 pm
by cloudpg
thank you very much for the help!, I tried to do it in the manner of example but when sending the request to google home, this only returns the variable I indicated and then does not match the "Listen for:".

I created it as the examples of the page, these are the steps I do in

1. New applet
2. google assistant
3. Say a phrase with a text ingredient
4. I put in that I want to say "fotos de $ firefox" where $ is what I want to look for.

This returns in Push2Run only the word "$". I need you to return the entire sentence.
I want you to return me: "fotos de gatitos firefox".
But it returns me in push2run: "gatitos"

Is there another method to do it?

Attached image.

Re: Send variables to parameters

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:44 pm
by RobLatour
Ifttt will only return in the text ingredient the words you say as replaced by the $ sign.

Try changing your ifttt applet to be:
Dile a mi computadora para obtener $

and when you say
"Dile a mi computadora para obtener fotos de gatitos firefox"

you will get
fotos de gatitos firefox
sent to push2run

Re: Send variables to parameters

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 3:00 pm
by cloudpg
But I would continue the problem. The operation of the Push2Run program if I understand it correctly, google home sends the request, IFFT indicates the result of "$", this sends it to Pushbullet and Pushbullet sends it to Push2Run, then here compares with the "Listen for:", then unless you do a "Listen for: gatitos" or "Listen for: fotos de gatitos firefox " it would not work, then it would already be predefining the phrase and there would be no variable.

I'm not sure, but that's what I understand. Sorry for my brain.