Playback a custom message to confirm your computer is on - text to speech

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Playback a custom message to confirm your computer is on - text to speech

Post by RobLatour »

**** Please see posts below - the info in this post is now out of date and there is a way easier way to do this ***

Right now there is almost no way to get a custom response from your Google Home based on a question you ask it. Let's hope Google fixes that soon. However, until then, there is in fact a low tech way. It involves two or more Google home devices connected to your network with one of them sitting near your Windows computer running Push2Run, and your computer's speakers turned on.

In this example the Push2Run card (attached) and the script file (attached) work together to let you say to your Google device:

OK Google tell my computer to confirm that it is on

and have the response come back:

"Yes, I can confirm that I am on".

Here's how it's done in more detail:
You ask your Google Home device a question, that question gets routed through to Push2Run running on your Windows computer, Push2Run runs the attached script file which uses Microsofts built-in text-to-speech engine to play a custom answer through your speakers. The script file also accesses a program called SetVol that ensure your speakers are unmuted and that their volume is loud enough. The text-to-speech custom message plays, with that message starting with the words "Ok Google broadcast", and your nearby Google Home device sitting in earshot of your computer speakers picks up this custom message and broadcasts it through to all your other Google home devices.

One drawback, if your computer is not on, you won't get a response back.

Ok, I admit, its a little wonky. But if you would like to experiment and perhaps invent your own uses, the Push2Run card and the text to speech script file are attached. Also, you will need to download the (free) program SetVol from

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Re: Playback a custom message to confirm your computer is on - text to speech

Post by RobLatour »

**** Please see posts below - the info in this post is now out of date and there is a way easier way to do this ***

An alternative approach to this is now documented on the following page:
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Re: Playback a custom message to confirm your computer is on - text to speech

Post by RobLatour »

I've now released a new program, called 'cast', that lets you do this way easier.

Setup instructions and the associated Push2Run card can be found here:
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