Push2Run version 4.4 has been released

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Push2Run version 4.4 has been released

Post by RobLatour »

Push2Run version 4.4 has been released. New in this version:

Added support for ‘Everything’ searches.

'Everything' is a great freeware program by David Carpenter. It provides for immediate file search results on Windows computers.

If you have 'Everything' running on your computer, Push2Run can do immediate file searches based on the words you say, and then use the results to automatically open programs and files.

For example, you can set up a Push2Run card to play a music file on your computer based on the words you say. Then, for example, if you say "OK Google, play 99 Red Balloons" Push2Run, working with 'Everything', will quickly find a file on your computer with the words "99 Red Balloons" in its filename and play it.

For more information please see: https://www.push2run.com/help/everything.html

Further updated/improved processing when MQTT topics are changed in the Options window.

Unsubscribe to all MQTT topics when Push2Run is shut down, or the user disables MQTT processing.

Corrected a bug with the auto-update check feature continuing to work when disabled in the settings.
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